Global markets for all
One API (Application Protocol Interface) means that all the local attraction tours and bookings can be merged into a single platform that’s ready to be exported to the world… ready to connect to Expedia, TripAdvisor, Viator, Getyourguide and other booking engines worldwide, so those places can easily sell all local attraction/tour tickets.
Great communication with the guests before, during & after they visit.
Next-level Communication
Many stakeholders wish to communicate with visitors before during and after their trip. What’s stopping 10 different text messages from various stakeholders getting sent to a visitor within 10 minutes and annoying them? Nothing. In fact, it happens. The only way to avoid this is with a centralized messaging system that offers more bells and whistles to all (including quick ratings, maps and vital links) and makes sure you get your messages out but the guests don’t get overwhelmed.
Great communication with the guests before, during & after they visit.
Virtual wait list
fills empty slots.
Virtual waiting list
Sometimes guest need to cancel last minute. But that doesn’t mean the timed entry slots can’t be filled last minute as well. This technology allows for waiting lists on every time slot, so no entry slot goes unused.
Boosted revenue
Every attraction requires its own solutions to maximize revenue. With Priocity, subidized consulting options are available to take advantage of this new set of tools. But it’s more than just intelligent in-app ticket upgrade offers. We analyze and provide an array of options that are easy to test and implement.
Digital ticketing. Fast, frictionless. And paperless..
Priocity integrates with leading vendors and allows visitors to easily import purchased tickets and passes into the app, then tap to zip through the turnstile.
>Service recovery made easy. Instant vouchers to soothe unhappy guests.
Service recovery made easy
No trip is perfect. Inevitably, something goes wrong. Travelers know this. But they still feel vulnerable when it happens. Which means how you react determines if you win them over or lose them for good — with all the positive or negative social media that guest may decide to share. Priocity’s perk packages include a range of easy-to-redeem voucher gifts that carry a high value and low cost, and can be given out in seconds when reaction time is vital.