Manage tour bus parking, solve traffic issues and generate revenue
For cities & DMOs
A complete destination management toolkit to affect visitor flow and sustainable growth
Management toolkit
With a new set of goals to carry a destination into the future, a new set of tools is required. Ones that provide a higher level of actionable data, nudge visitors out of crowded areas, improve the visitor satisfaction, and makes it was for guests to help take care of the precious environment.
Better visitor experience. Turn visitors into brand ambassadors.
Read more>![watch](./storage/files/images/city/experience.png)
Elevating the visitor's experience
Those little perks add up. The removal of queues for attractions, fewer crowds, free photos, massage chairs, included parking, mobile phone chargers… all that contributes to a “surprise and delight” strategy that improves the experience and helps get visitors to sing the praises of the destination. A more popular destination commonly leads to higher ADRs, increased admission fees, higher pass prices and higher profits for the entire destination.
actionable data.
A new breed of data
There’s no shortage of data. There is, however, an extreme shortage of actionable data. And real-time actionable data sounds more like science fiction. By integrating attractions, public transport, adding perks around the city, and including them in an app that often requires active GPS, it creates new data points to understand guest behavior and visitor flow at various times and high or low footfall areas. That means real-time data. And the tools to make a difference.
Make the city queue free, and help remove the overcrowding
Read more>Queues? What Queues?
Oddly, one of the main things visitors don’t like are lots and lots of other visitors. No one likes to wait in queues or push their way through crowds. Locals aren’t big fans of these things either. Universal timed-ticketing and priority’s virtual queue system and crowd spreader are important steps in the right direction. If certain areas simply get too crowded for nudging, Priocity includes more draconian options… the lottery and restricted areas tools. A solution for every scenario.
Use the tools to push eco-friendly and authentic experiences.
Withe-labeled for every destination
The main menu of the priocity app is a gateway to connected and integrated perks, tours, attractions, parking and dining throughout the city. How it’s organized is entirely up to each destination. Eco or more authentic experiences can be emphasized. Digitally signing an eco-minded visitor agreement can be made mandatory to access certain parts of the city, establishments with solar and wind power can be featured. In other words, the way this works best is to customize it to fit your goals and your city.
Tour bus management
“Drive by tourism” — getting off an idling bus to take a few pics, use the toilet and have a discounted, high-speed tour of the most popular attraction in town — doesn’t make much of a financial injection in the local economy. Often, these groups congest the traffic and disturb the much higher spending overnight guests in the process. There’s an easy way to help offset this sort of tourism and manage it at once: paid parking and drop-offs with limited spaces as determined by your city. Priocity’s bus solution makes the booking and and verification easy. It can even be monitored by automated camera.
Service recovery made easy. Instant vouchers to soothe unhappy guests.
Service recovery made easy
No trip is perfect. Inevitably, something goes wrong. Travelers know this. But they still feel vulnerable when it happens. Which means how you react determines if you win them over or lose them for good — with all the positive or negative social media that guest may decide to share. Priocity’s perk packages include a range of easy-to-redeem voucher gifts that carry a high value and low cost, and can be given out in seconds when reaction time is vital.