For hotels
Make every guest feel like a VIP no matter where they go. PrioPerks extends hotel-quality amenities across the city.
Make every guest feel like a VIP no matter where they go. PrioPerks extends hotel-quality amenities across the city.
Hotel-level amenities, inside and out
By adding great perks throughout the city — from super-clean toilets to massage chairs to mobile-phone chargers— and connecting them to your guests’ room keys, it makes your guests feel like their room key is unlocking amazing services everywhere they go. So your VIPs remain VIPs even when they aren’t with you.
Unlock your new revenue stream.
Upgrading passes
Hotels have top-level rooms for those customers who wish to upgrade. Airlines take advantage of upgrade opportunities as well. So why offer only one city pass? By adding perks throughout the city, it does more than allow hotels to extend great hospitality to all guests when they leave your front door; It’s an opportunity for a new revenue stream for hotels. If guests wish to upgrade or hotels include them with more expensive rooms, that becomes a noteworthy commission.
Instant communication.
Delivered in a way guests want it.
Next-level Communication
Many stakeholders wish to communicate with visitors before during and after their trip. What’s stopping 10 different text messages from various stakeholders getting sent to a visitor within 10 minutes and annoying them? Nothing. In fact, it happens. The only way to avoid this is with a centralized messaging system that offers more bells and whistles to all (including quick ratings, maps and vital links) and makes sure you get your messages out but the guests don’t get overwhelmed.
Access the best visitor data on the planet.
Data like you've never seen before
We believe in protecting the personal details of visitors with smart anonymization. That allows us to see that it’s a 47-year old Italian tourist, but nothing more personal than that. Still, that’s enough to learn about in-destination behaviour. The various perks and other integrations around the city will create a more accurate profile of visitor flow than has previously been available for any city.