For retail & restaurants
Featured offers visitors can unlock on the app
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It’s not always easy to get fresh offers in front of tourists, especially when they’re in that magical frame of mind when figuring out what they want to do. That why the city app highlights offers from retailers, cafes, bars and restaurants. It costs nothing to participate and the offers can be changed at any time.
Nudge visitors with special SMS offers to relieve overcrowding
Read more>SMS offers
When things get crowded around the city, the destination has a new tool to disperse the crowds: SMS offers from nearby retailers, cafes, bars and restaurants. These are time sensitive offers (valid for 1 hour) sent thru the destination management system. It’s free to sign up, free to use, and you can add, change or remove them at any time… for free.
Nudge visitors with special SMS offers to relieve overcrowding
Integrated booking lets visitors book tables easily.
Read more>Table booking for visitors
Many locals have learned to book their restaurant tables online. But with so many booking apps and language issues, tourists may feel out of the loop. That’s why Priocity integrates the most popular table-booking systems in each location… so guests can book without having to figure out which website to visit or which new app to download.
With no queues for attractions, visitors have more time to eat , drink and shop
Queue free
Perhaps the biggest boost to the retail and dining industry is the removal of queues. When tourists are waiting to get into an attraction, not only are they bored and tired, they’re out of the consumer loop. With timed-ticketed slots and virtual queuing, that gives them more time and energy to eat, drink and shop.